1.just upgrade to windows7 yesterday.
sugguh best dowh. got this student price for 30 dol.
then got an email from eng.dept telling me that we can download it for free on their site. window7 pro lagi. what the h? tapi for 64-bit pc only la. haha. naseb bek aku 32-bit. so kalo nk upgrade windows7 free g la tuka pc hang jadi 64-bit. amacam? pandai la hang pikir. sume da besar2.
2.ketika aktivity membace, got into this site http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/stunning-apple-concept-designs/#more-5369
wa cakap lu the pc should start doing all this like right now.
if not i would end up buying one of those buah epal.
3.faisal tehrani kot yang buat cerpen kerana manisnya epal.
4.tadi cik nurul tercinte bagi makan epal dgn peanut butter. sedap dowh!
better than strawberry w/ choc yang sugguh x sedap langsung masam n x minat beb.
5.hujan maybe thn depan nk dtg us. maybe ah.
Kejahilan politik Abdul Hadi, merugikan Pas
17 hours ago